Friday 25 March 2011

Tutorial 21/3/11

I think... i think i have finally come up with an idea for my final project.
I had a tutorial a few days ago, and expressed my idea, with a sort of brief and context in mind. The words got shuffled around a bit, but i believe i am happy with the final outcome. But first, i need to explain a little more stuff.

Basically, as a class we have been told about a live brief for a festival in Manchester called Parklife. If i'm right, i believe we've been asked to create motion graphics for projections and LED screens, which i'm guessing will go behind the performers.
I was really interested in this brief at first, as i have always wanted to create visuals for music, usually in the form of music videos, but since starting this course, i've started to realise that music videos are slightly pointless, and a slight bit waste of money. They are good and fun to watch and make. But i think bands should be spending more on live shows, soo... creating visuals for a live show seemed perfect. However, when talking this brief through, there seemed to be a lot of technical stuff, and complicated words that i'd never heard of, which terrified me. I did express this, and i was reassured that you could approach this at any kind of angle, even from a more illustrative one, but some technical knowledge is needed.
I could use this as an opportunity to get to know all these technical things, so this could be really good.
But my second, however, is that working for this brief may restrict me a little. Seeing as this is our first year, and probably the last year (if we do carry on to be budding artists) that we are given so much freedom with a project. I spoke this through with my tutor, and he did agree. Saying i should keep an eye on this Parklife brief, but basically not to allow myself to get restricted. So... my brief.

To create a range of graphic clips, made from paper sculptures in order to be used as projected visuals, in the hope of submitting to the live brief for the music festival Parklife.
The visuals will be made with an aim to accentuate and go alongside the music being performed for audience's entertainment purposes.

Some music festivals have always seen the positives in collaborating art and music and seen how well audiences respond to good visuals.
Smaller festivals, that are just starting out, are seeing the collaboration with art to be a great opportunity to gain more popularity and to open up to a wider audience. They are seeing that art can be used as a very good source of entertainment and can create superb atmosphere.
This is a great opportunity for festival organisers to broaden their horizons and hire people with the skills to create visuals and sculptures to make their festivals a lot more diverse and entertaining.

Done... i think

Basically, i want to make visuals, sort of like VJ clips, all made out of paper (using shapes and type) to go alongside music being played on a massive stage at a festival, in the hope that Parklife will take it too and use it. And possibly to create massive sculptures out of paper to be used as decoration.

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