Sunday 27 March 2011

a/v: Max Hattler + Economy Wolf @ Beck's Fusions at ICA, 2007 from Max Hattler on Vimeo.

This again, is a good video of some different VJ. Again, not quite what i want to do, but i like how it is different to what i've seen around. Some parts do go to the electrical, vibrant lines and shapes, but they incorporate some stop animation and video, as well as some pixelated computer generated images, that appear to have been made into an animation.

I am starting to see that looking straight into VJing is something that i shouldn't be doing. I think i need to look more to artists and designers who typically use 3D paper craft in their work, and see if they have gone to any animation or visuals for massive projections. And obviously, i need to look at the real world, and try and get some influences from that.

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