Saturday 23 April 2011 (loop) from beeple on Vimeo.

SLOW from Xaver Xylophon on Vimeo.

Quite old and crusty, but i really like this. I really like the sort of half circle things moving about on the window sill. Like little rainbows sort of.
I guess when i look at these animations i'm trying to find shapes that have been made with paper, so i know the sort of stuff i can aim for. But again, i'm fearing that i'm just going to make something that everyone has seen before, possibly the thing that's stopping me from starting at all, which is very stupid.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Wax Stag - And How from Clem Stamation on Vimeo.

This is more like the sort of stuff i want to make. Although i do find it a little boring, but i do think that is the main point of visuals to go to music, for it to be generic and it to applied to most music, i think. I could be very wrong. I do really like this, but i do hope that when i come to making my own animation that i'm not repeating something that has been seen many many times before.

Animations i like

Here are some animations that i like the style of that i found on vimeo. Unfortunately, they do involve a lot of type, which is pretty bad for me, as i need to steer away from type as it would make the visuals too narrow and not open to all the music being played. But here they are anyway, i like their style.

The Wave Pictures - Sweetheart from Ben Reed on Vimeo.

Make it better from Sebastianbap on Vimeo.

EF - Live The Language - London from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.

I think the main reason i like these videos is because of the type, so i really need to step away from that.

Final project BEGIN

Soo... it is decided what i am going to do for my final major project. I think.
Make an animation, using stop motion photography, i think, with paper, and collage and hand crafted stuff basically, and objects too. That should go alongside music. In the hope to submit it to be apart of the visuals for the Parklife festival.

So, it won't have a massive narration but i hope to successfully make it go to the beat of some music.
I've been looking at the park life festival line up, and it all looks pretty swish and all nice and dancy. It seems like a fun festival, so i do intend to use a lot of colour and 'cute' stuff basically, to be all light weight and easy going. I think i'd like to work mainly with shapes made out of paper. But i need to test this all out.


Some music festivals have always seen the positives of collaborating art and music, and seen how well audiences respond to good visuals.  
Smaller festivals that are just starting out are seeing the collaboration with art to be a great opportunity to gain more popularity and to open up to a wider audience. They are seeing that art can be used as a very good source of entertainment and can create superb atmosphere.  
This is a great opportunity for festival organisers to broaden their horizons and hire people with the skills to create visuals and sculptures and to make their festivals a lot more diverse and entertaining.  


To create a video animation, mainly made from paper craft in order to be used as projected visuals at a music event. 
The visuals will be made with an aim to accentuate and to go alongside the music being performed, acting as an entertainment source for the audiences. 


From my research summary, I have concluded that I would like to produce low tech, hand crafted visuals for a projection with the aim to set this to live music. Ideally, I would like to use basic materials, i.e. paper, found objects and materials, resourceful skills with lighting and effects, and very basic camera and computer technologies – all in order to produce something on a low budget. 

I will approach the brief now with the aim to do more research into the live brief, i.e. the practical and technical requirements needed for a projection for the Parklife festival in Manchester. I would also like to discover more of the DIY culture to help support my designs. I will hopefully do this by actually making paper crafts and by also reading DIY culture and craft books. 

I know that I am aiming this to an audience of music lovers and festivalgoers so my tone will be energetic, fun and possibly fantasy, as I do believe this creates a good atmosphere. I feel I will also need to work with vibrant, but basic and generic colours, shapes and visuals. I would like to work with type, but I don't know if this will suit the projections as they may communicate too much focus on one set of music. This is something I would need to research and experiment with. 

I will be working with stop animation, so I will need to look into lighting and camera skills, but this is something I already have a basic understanding of. 

I also need to research further into the music I would want to show my projections along side. I 
would like to hope that I could submit my final piece into the Parklife live brief – but this is a high hope- however, in order to do this I will need to look further into the bands and music already announced there.